Something happened on the way to my coccyx

I was diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in junior high.

“Scoliosis” – where the spine twists and curves to the side. “Idiopathic” – the cause of the form of scoliosis is unknown.

Fast forward 40 years.

I can walk just about a quarter mile before my left shin goes numb. Doing laundry causes the left side of my back to spasm. Washing dishes makes the right side seize up. Two chores down, time to sit down. Does cooking at the stove require standing? It does? Then nope, not today.

I’m blessed with collapsing spine syndrome due to my scoliosis. Sure, physical therapy helps. Anti-inflammatories and pain medicine take the edge off. Ablations block pain for a few months. The hard reality is that none of these activities, lotions or potions will make my spine straighter. My back will only get worse as time goes on.

If I do nothing, I could be the 80 yr old lady with the giant hump on her back who can’t get out of her wheelchair without assistance. Nothing says bringing sexy back to assisted living like kyphosis.

So what’s a girl to do? I’ve chosen to undergo reconstructive spinal surgery. Specifically, a spinal fusion from T3/T4 to my pelvis. My spine will be straightened as much as possible. It will be un-rotated as much as possible. My hips will be leveled. All supported by cages & rods & screws! Oh my!

What are the benefits? I might get 1-1.5″ of my height back. Chicken wing, gone. Pain, reduced.

What’s the downside? Will I lose flexibility after my spinal fusion? Yes. Will I only be able to bend from my hips when this is over? Yes. Will I have to traverse a difficult physical and psychological road over my 6 month recovery? Most likely. Am I just exchanging one sort of pain for another? Hopefully not. Does the whole thing make me nervous and scared? Absolutely.

The truth is, I don’t know exactly what’s in store for me. There’s an 80% chance that my quality of life will improve. There’s a 10% chance that it won’t. The other 10%? I’ll cross that bridge if/when I get to it.

And after it’s all said and done and I can walk long distances again? Oh, the places I’ll go! There is fun to be done!

My journey begins now.

5 responses to “Something happened on the way to my coccyx”

  1. We are all praying for a successful surgery, a swift recovery, and a straight spine that causes no pain! 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Hope you are feeling much better and on the way to complete recovery! Take Care! Talk to you soon!